NTi Audio opens Service Centre for EU customers

NTi Audio opens Service Centre for EU customers
Calibrations and repairs of NTi Audio products for customers from the EU are now being carried out by NTi Audio GmbH in Essen, Germany.

This greatly speeds up the process of shipment of measurement equipment within the European Union. 

As before, calibration and repair orders are processed via the NTi Audio website my.nti-audio.com. Users receive information about the process and estimated duration of the service, as well as the address to which the equipment should be sent. For existing customers from the EU area, NTi Audio GmbH in Essen is now automatically displayed. 

New customers looking for more information are recommended to look at the website under the menu item Calibration and Service. There is a find step-by-step instructions on how to prepare and process a service order. Visitors will also find information on the services offered, as well as some examples of calibration certificates.